This is the Tangle Sunday Edition, a brief roundup of our independent politics coverage plus some extra features for your Sunday morning reading.
Last week, we featured a reader essay by Mark Rapier on the Electoral College, or at least we attempted to. Unfortunately, we did not include the link to Mark's essay in the Sunday email.
We apologize to everyone for that omission. You can read Mark's piece here.
A couple weeks ago, we received one of the more colorful essay submissions we've ever gotten. We went back and forth over whether or not to include it, because one of the author's central metaphors is very crass and he insisted that it could not be changed. Ultimately, we decided to feature this piece, warts and all, because we found the writing so distinct from what we normally feature in our reader essays and think you will really enjoy it. "Stout Cortez" is the pen name for an anonymous Tangle writer, and he shared with us how he made his peace with not investing in Bitcoin in 2016. You can read his piece here.
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