Dec 22, 2020

Apologies! Today's "Quick hits."

Apologies! Today's "Quick hits."

Here they are...

Hey there,

Just like you, I hate newsletters that send more than one email a day, and I try to avoid doing that at all costs. But I wanted to make sure you got a proper news briefing today. Today’s Tangle is a special edition about the incredible, unthinkable spending bill passed in Congress yesterday. It deviates from the typical Tangle format — and I hope you consider sharing it with friends, family and colleagues.

However, at the bottom of the newsletter, I forgot to include the “Quick hits” section — which I know a lot of people rely on to avoid having to wade through social media and the news to keep up. So here they are…

Quick hits.

  1. Federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York are communicating with Justice Department officials about getting access to Rudy Giuliani’s emails, according to NBC News.
  2. President-elect Joe Biden received the COVID-19 vaccine on national television yesterday.
  3. In a wide-ranging press conference yesterday, Attorney General William Barr repeatedly contradicted President Trump, saying he will not appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, will not try to seize voting machines for inspection and that Russia was behind a massive U.S. government computer systems hack.
  4. Under the threat of legal action, several Fox News and Newsmax personalities are issuing on-air retractions of previous comments they made implicating Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic in “stealing” the election from Donald Trump.
  5. Sen. John Thune (R-SD), the No. 2 ranking Republican in the Senate, told CNN that an effort by House conservatives to overturn the election would “go down like a shot dog” in the Senate.

As always, thank you for reading Tangle and for supporting independent journalism. Your readership and support mean the world to us.


Isaac & the Tangle team

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