Apr 7, 2024

The Sunday — April 7

This is the Tangle Sunday Edition, a brief roundup of our independent politics coverage plus some extra features for your Sunday morning reading.

What the right is doodling.

Al Goodwyn | Creators Syndicate
Al Goodwyn | Creators Syndicate

What the left is doodling.

Mike Luckovich | Creators Syndicate
Mike Luckovich | Creators Syndicate

Reader essay.

Mohamed Hassan | Pxhere
Mohamed Hassan | Pxhere

In February, we wrote an issue about the congressional social media hearings. In Isaac’s “My take” on that piece, he gave his opinion on some of the proposed solutions to invasive advertisements and mental health risks associated with social media. Nina, a reader with experience working for a large social media company, has some thoughts and criticisms based on her experience. We’re publishing those here, semi-anonymously, as a good old-fashioned reader op-ed. We always appreciate honest disagreement, and we’re happy Nina shared hers with us. Read the piece here!

Have a local or personal story you want to write about? Pitch us! Fill out this form or reply to this email, and we’ll get back to you if we’re hooked.