Apr 14, 2024

The Sunday — April 14th

This is the Tangle Sunday Edition, a brief roundup of our independent politics coverage plus some extra features for your Sunday morning reading.

What the left is doodling.

John Deering | Creators Syndicate
John Deering | Creators Syndicate

What the right is doodling.

Al Goodwyn | Creators Syndicate
Al Goodwyn | Creators Syndicate

Reader essay.

Photo by Ryan Arnst / Unsplash

Two weeks ago, we shared a reader essay from Dinah about voting and Passover — a holiday that she said marks the coming of spring for her. Another occasion vanguarding the changing seasons is baseball’s Opening Day. For some of us, it might not mean much. For Terrell and her husband, it’s a family holiday that brings the two of them together, and reminds each of their dads. Read the piece here!

Have a local or personal story you want to write about? Pitch us! Fill out this form or reply to this email, and we’ll get back to you if we’re hooked.